Posts tagged english

Posts tagged english

26. 05. 2016


In the future, I will start writing posts in German.
This blog has always been about my opinions on things. I’ve used it to vent my rage and anger, as well as my fears. It’s been about my life, things I like and work on and an outlet for my poetry.

I chose to write in English because I like it. I write a lot of texts, mostly poetry, that I never make public.

Writing is always about my personal opinion and views on things. Lately, there has been a lot going on in Austria that I want to talk about. Using English for this seems kind of strange, I want my readers (which are very few, but who cares) to have it easy to follow the posts. I’ll also have to use a lot of German terms that I don’t want to translate because it’s a lot of work.

09. 03. 2016


Be who you are she said.
Sounds so easy, is so hard.
It needs passion, it needs art.
Feeding on this beating heart.

How can you be what no one is?
Be it an angel or the beast.
No one tells and no one knows.
Depths inside that you don’t show.

I am what I am and I accept
whatever’s hiding in this depth.
If you don’t like it, so be it.
I lead my life how I see fit.

06. 02. 2016


Feelings are strange. Sometimes they just jump into your face out of nowhere, stay there for a few moments and then leave again. The hard part is to deal with these moments.

I haven’t written anything in the last few months. Then suddenly, along comes an old feeling that feels a lot less intense than it did in my last life. Looks like I changed a lot.

Anyway, I decided I’d write about it. It’s not a particularly good text and I just wrote it down the way it fell out of my head. It’s not as refined as most of my texts which usually take a few days to a few weeks to be finished, if ever.

11. 07. 2015


The devil is moving, it’s out of control.
It broke my heart now it is after my soul.
It made me lose all my self control and forced me to endure the worst of it all.

It made me a devil I never wanted to know.
Took me to a dark place in my very own soul.
One day I broke out of it’s tight control started a new life without all this sorrow.

The devil is moving but now I’m not alone.
I found an angel, a very kind soul.
It showed me that there is still so much more to know, feelings to share and wonders to behold.