So much has changed. The last one and a half years were hard but I pulled through.
I learned a lot about life. Albeit the price for this learning experience was too high.
Our relationship broke, we will get divorced. I think it was broken beyond repair since last year’s August.
I just could not accept it. Now I can - I’m ready to move on.
I learned a lot. How to live alone, how to trust less, how it feels to lose all of your future against your will.
How it feels when one of your closest friends betrays you in ways you can’t really imagine and can’t ever forgive nor forget.
I learned that nothing in life is as important as friends and family that help you through dark times. I would definitely not have made it without you guys.
My friends who provided shelter, moral support and drinking buddies. The people that would listen to my endless rants and take my ailments serious.
You provided help in the darkest time of my life. I am forever in your dept. I don’t take all this for granted.
This is a short updated, compared to the last few posts. But it’s one that is not written in a depressed mindset for once.
In fact, I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin before.